Angle in the Woods

Angle in the Woods
Primitive Boiko wood carving

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Great Adventure!

I just got back from a wonderful adventure. When traveling, I most enjoy letting the day unfold. Not much of that has happened so far because of being with family. Today I left my hotel, which is a distance from the town center, with the goal of purchasing a necklace I saw at the Ethnographic Museum. I had a map and good shoes and set off with high spirits, enjoying this extraordinary weather. After an hour of vigorous walking, I arrived back at my hotel-obviously having gone in a large circle. Not to be deterred, I approached two young girls, who looked like university students, asking for directions. Amazingly, they go to the same banking institute as Natalyia, my young relative who translated for me in Zhuravno and they know her!

The girls took me under their wings and showed me interesting sights in Lviv as well as taking me to the Ethnographic Museum and several book stores to find some English books. They pointed out the former home of Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch, for whom the term masochism was coined. I was amused to find out that he used to beat his wife whenever she refused to whip him. A marrigae made in heaven! We stopped for a bite at a terrific little coffee house called The Blue Bottle, named for a Ray Bradbury short story. While eating I discovered that Ulina and I had the same tastes in music. We passionately discussed Janis Joplin and most of the artists whose albums grace my shelves. She does not, however, know Leonard Cohen who wrote The Chelsea Hotel, a song about Janis Joplin. We then got talking about the Carpathians. She had just spent time with an old Hutsul couple, sleeping in their lovely home and being treated to authentic foods. This is exactly what I wanted to do-I'm so jealous! She gave me the contact info and, who knows, maybe I will make this journey in the future.

It has been my experience that Ukrainian young people are truly delightful. I fondly remember my exhuberant 13 year old scooter driver, Yura, insisting that he treat me to an Ukrainian ice cream as we walked about Zhuravno. There is something very uncomplicated about these kids.

Well, tomorrow I'm off on another adventure. I will try to find the bus station and go to Sambir where I will visit the Boiko Museum. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I don't travel in any more large circles!

1 comment:

Shelley Hucul said...

I'm Jealous too - about the image of the Hutsul couple and staying with them etc. Green with envy.
Shelley Hucul
(Your descriptions are rich and heart warming)